Link to Google Scholar. EASEL group members underlined.

Journal Articles:

J17. Orona, G. A., Eccles, J., Solanki, S., Copp, D. A., Dang, Q. V., Arum, R., The structure of adult thinking: A network approach to (meta)cognitive processing. Learning and Individual Differences, 117:102584, 2025.

J16. Orona, G. A., Pritchard, D., Arum, R., Eccles, J., Dang, Q. V., Copp, D. A., Herrmann, D. A., Rushing, B., Zitzmann, S., Epistemic virtue in higher education: testing the mechanisms of intellectual character development. Current Psychology, 43(9):8102-8116, 2024.

J15. Hormaza-Mejia, A., Brouwer, J., Copp, D. A., Performance and dynamics of California offshore wind alongside Western U.S. onshore wind and solar power. Renewable Energy Focus, 47:100490, 2023.

J14. Sutherland, M. and Copp, D. A., pendsim: Developing, Simulating, and Visualizing Feedback Controlled Inverted Pendulum Dynamics. Journal of Open Source Education, 6(61):168, 2023.

J13. Copp, D. A., Nguyen, T. A., Byrne, R. H., Chalamala, B. R., Optimal sizing of distributed energy resources for planning 100% renewable electric power systems. Energy, 239:122436, 2022.

J12. Tamrakar, U., Copp, D. A., Nguyen, T. A., Hansen, T. M., Tonkoski, R., Real-Time Estimation of Microgrid Inertia and Damping Constant. IEEE Access, 9:114523--114534, 2021.

J11. Tamrakar, U., Copp, D. A., Nguyen, T. A., Hansen, T. M., Tonkoski, R., Optimization-Based Fast-Frequency Estimation and Control of Low-Inertia Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 36(2):1459-1468, 2021.

J10. Copp, D. A., Isaacs, J. T., and Hespanha, J. P., Programming, Robotics, and Control for High School Students. ASEE Advances in Engineering Education, March 2021.

J9. Headley, A. J., Copp, D. A., Energy Storage Sizing for Grid Compatibility of Intermittent Renewable Resources: A California Case Study. Energy, 198:117310, 2020.

J8. Rosewater, D. M., Copp, D. A., Nguyen, T. A., Byrne, R. H., Chalamala, B. R., and Santoso, S., Battery Energy Storage Models for Optimal Control. IEEE Access, 7:178357--178391, 2019.

J7. Nguyen, T. A., Copp, D. A., Byrne, R. H., and Chalamala, B. R., Market Evaluation of Energy Storage Systems Incorporating Technology-Specific Nonlinear Models. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34(5):3706--3715, 2019.

J6. Copp, D. A., Vamvoudakis, K. G., and Hespanha, J. P., Distributed Output-Feedback Model Predictive Control for Multi-Agent Consensus. Systems & Control Letters, 127:52--59, 2019.

J5. Arroyo-Currás, N., Ortega, G., Copp, D. A., Ploense, K. L., Plaxco, Z. A., Kippin, T. E., Hespanha, J. P., Plaxco, K. W., High-Precision Control of Plasma Drug Levels Using Feedback-Controlled Dosing. ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, 1(2):110-118, 2018.

J4. Byrne, R. H., Nguyen, T. A., Copp, D. A., Chalamala, B. R., and Gyuk, I., Energy Management and Optimization Methods for Grid Energy Storage Systems. IEEE Access, 6:13231-13260, 2018.

J3. Copp, D. A., Gondhalekar, R., and Hespanha, J. P., Simultaneous Model Predictive Control and Moving Horizon Estimation for Blood Glucose Regulation in Type 1 Diabetes. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 39(2):904-918, 2018.

J2. Copp, D. A. and Hespanha, J. P., Simultaneous Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and State Estimation. Automatica, 77:143-154, 2017.

J1. Copp, D. A. and Sanfelice, R. G., A Zero-crossing Detection Algorithm for Robust Simulation of Hybrid Systems Jumping on Surfaces. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 68:1-17, 2016.

Peer-reviewed Conference Papers:

C32. Fan, D. and Copp, D. A., Efficient Estimation of Relaxed Model Parameters for Robust UAV Trajectory Optimization. Under review, 2024.

C31. Copp, D. A. and Phillips, S. A., Robust Hybrid Wide-Area Damping Control for Power Systems with Communication Errors. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2024.

C30. Copp, D. A., Specifications Grading in an Undergraduate Engineering Dynamics Course. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2024.

C29. Esfahani, T., Malabeh, I., Walter, M., Copp, D. A., An Investigation of Psychological Safety in Student-Led Undergraduate Engineering Design Projects through Student Interviews. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2024.

C28. Dicke, A., Wong, A., Copp, D. A., Rao, A. E., Valdevit, L., What drives you? Exploring the motivations and goals of low-income engineering transfer students for pursuing engineering. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2024.

C27. Dicke, A., Denaro, K., Copp, D. A., Promoting transfer students’ success through articulation agreements: An empirical case study in mechanical engineering. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2024.

C26. Copp, D. A., Dicke, A., Denaro, K., Lee, H. R., Wolken, M., Rao, A. E., Valdevit, L., Exploring the Impact of a Supportive Scholarship Program on Engineering Transfer Students’ Learning Strategies. Proceedings of the IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2023.

C25. Esfahani, T. and Copp, D. A., Undergraduate Engineering Students' Time Management and Self Efficacy in Different Learning Formats. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2023.

C24. Dicke, A., Copp, D. A., Nikkhah, D., Denaro, K., Lee, H. R., Valdevit, L., Work in Progress: Exploring the Use of Faculty and Peer Mentoring as a Tool to Support Engineering Transfer Students’ Transition. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2023.

C23. Dicke, A., Denaro, K., Rao, A. E., Copp, D. A., Lee, H. R., Diggs-Yang, G., Valdevit, L., Supporting Low-Income Engineering Transfer Students’ Transition from Community College to a 4-Year University through a Comprehensive Scholarship Program. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2023.

C22. Esfahani, T. and Copp, D. A., In Their Own Words: How Engineering Students Adapted to Disruptive Transitions Between Online and In-Person Learning. Proceedings of the ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference, 2023.

C21. Dang, A., Phillips, S. A., Copp, D. A., Benchmarking State Estimation Algorithms for Output Feedback Model Predictive Control of Spacecraft Autonomous Rendezvous and Docking. Proceedings of the AAS Guidance, Navigation and Control (GN&C) Conference, 2023.

C20. Chen, V., Phillips, S. A., Copp, D. A., Planning Autonomous Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Trajectories via Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of the AAS Guidance, Navigation and Control (GN&C) Conference, 2023.

C19. Nikkhah, D., Copp, D. A., Denaro, K., Buswell, N., Diggs-Yang, G., Lee, H. R., Valdevit, L., Dicke, A., Experiences Of Faculty Mentoring Engineering Transfer Students. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2022.

C18. Copp, D. A., Headley, A. J., Test anxiety and its impact on diverse undergraduate engineering students during remote learning. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2021.

C17. Copp, D. A., Hormaza-Mejia, A., Walter, M., Buswell, N., Team formation and function decisions and student roles on diverse engineering design teams. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2021.

C16. Copp, D. A., Hormaza-Mejia, A., Walter, M., Buswell, N., Whom are we serving? An exploration of student demographics in a large engineering design projects ecosystem. Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2020.

C15. Nguyen, T. A., Copp, D. A., and Byrne, R. H., Stacking Revenue from Energy Storage Providing Resilience, T&D Deferral and Arbitrage. Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting, 2019.

C14. Ingalalli, A., Luna, A., Durvasulu, V., Hansen, T. M., Tonkoski, R., Copp, D. A., and Nguyen, T. A., Energy Storage Systems in Emerging Electricity Markets: Frequency Regulation and Resiliency. Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting, 2019.

C13. Copp, D. A., Nguyen, T. A., and Byrne, R. H., Adaptive Model Predictive Control for Real-Time Dispatch of Energy Storage Systems. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2019.

C12. Tamrakar, U., Copp, D. A., Hansen, T. M., and Tonkoski, R., Model Predictive Frequency Control of Low Inertia Microgrids. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2019.

C11. Wilches-Bernal, F., Copp, D. A., Bacelli, G., and Byrne, R. H., Structuring the Optimal Output Feedback Control Gain: A Soft Constraint Approach. Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2018.

C10. Copp, D. A., Nguyen, T. A., and Byrne, R. H., Optimal Sizing of Behind-the-Meter Energy Storage with Stochastic Load and PV Generation for Islanded Operation. Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting, 2018.

C9. Wilches-Bernal, F., Copp, D. A., Gravagne, I., and Schoenwald, D. A., Stability Criteria for Power Systems with Damping Control and Asymmetric Feedback Delays. Proceedings of the 50th North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 2018.

C8. Copp, D. A., Wilches-Bernal, F., Schoenwald, D. A., and Gyuk, I., Power System Damping Control via Power Injections from Distributed Energy Storage. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 2018.

C7. Byrne, R. H., Nguyen, T. A., Copp, D. A., Concepcion, R., Chalamala, B. R., and Gyuk, I., Opportunities for Energy Storage in CAISO: Day-Ahead and Real-Time Market Arbitrage. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 2018.

C6. Copp, D. A., Wilches-Bernal, F., Gravagne, I., and Schoenwald, D. A., Time-Domain Analysis of Power System Stability with Damping Control and Asymmetric Feedback Delays. Proceedings of the 49th North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 2017.

C5. Copp, D. A. and Hespanha, J. P., Conditions for Saddle-Point Equilibria in Output-Feedback MPC with MHE. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 13-19, 2016. [Best presentation in session award]

C4. Quintero, S. A. P., Copp, D. A., and Hespanha, J. P., Robust UAV Coordination for Target Tracking using Output-Feedback Model Predictive Control with Moving Horizon Estimation. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 3758–3764, 2015.

C3. Copp, D. A. and Hespanha, J. P., Nonlinear Output-Feedback Model Predictive Control with Moving Horizon Estimation. Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3511–3517, 2014.

C2. Sanfelice, R. G., Copp, D. A., Ñañez, P., A Toolbox for Simulation of Hybrid Systems in Matlab/Simulink: Hybrid Equations (HyEQ) Toolbox. Proceedings of Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control Conference (HSCC), 101–106, 2013.

C1. Copp, D. A. and Sanfelice, R. G., On the Effect and Robustness of Zero-crossing Detection Algorithms in Simulation of Hybrid Systems Jumping on Surfaces. Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2449–2454, 2012.

Book Chapters:

B2. Quintero, S. A. P., Copp, D. A., and Hespanha, J. P., Robust Coordination of Small UAVs for Vision-based Target Tracking using Output-Feedback MPC with MHE. Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems: Theory and Applications, 2017.

B1. Copp, D. A. and Hespanha, J. P., Addressing adaptation and learning in the context of model predictive control and moving horizon estimation. Control of Complex Systems: Theory and Applications, 2016.

Technical Reports:

R5. Pierre, B. J., Copp, D. A., and Nguyen, T. A., The Grid of the Future Workshop Summary Report. Sandia National Laboratories, 2018.

R4. Pearson, J. P., Copp, D. A., and Hespanha, J. P., Preemption-resistant control on a non-real-time operating system. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2017.

R3. Copp, D. A. and Hespanha, J. P., Nonlinear Output-Feedback Model Predictive Control with Moving Horizon Estimation: Illustrative Examples. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2015.

R2. Copp, D. A. and Hespanha, J. P., Conditions for Saddle-Point Equilibria in Output-Feedback MPC with MHE: Technical Report. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2015.

R1. Copp, D. A. and Hespanha, J. P., Nonlinear Output-Feedback Model Predictive Control with Moving Horizon Estimation (Technical Report). University of California, Santa Barbara, 2014.

PhD Thesis:

T1. Copp, D. A., Simultaneous Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and State Estimation: Theory and Applications. PhD Thesis: University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016. [A recipient of UCSB's CCDC Best PhD Thesis award.]