Link to UCI MAE Catalogue


EngrMAE 60: Electric Circuits

EngrMAE 80: Dynamics

EngrMAE 106: Mechanical Systems Laboratory

EngrMAE 151A/B: Mechanical Engineering Design

EngrMAE 171: Digital Control Systems

  • Example application assignment on aircraft pitch control
  • The goals of these assignments are for students to 1) apply the technical knowledge they are learning in the course to a practical application, 2) think critically about the broader impacts and ethical considerations for engineering work, including the impact on users of technology and society more broadly, and 3) share their perspective and to listen to other students’ perspectives on the broader impact of engineering work.

EngrMAE 93/189/195: Capstone Design and MAE Design Projects

EngrMAE 199: Individual Study


ECE 649: Topics in Control Systems - Convex Optimization and Optimal Control (@ University of New Mexico)

Student Project Advising:

UAV Forge

UCI CubeSat

Filipinos Unifying Scientist-Engineers In an Organized Network (FUSION) Engineering Projects

ASME Human Powered Vehicle Competition

Intelligent Ground Vehicle