UCI Resources

All Resources from Engineering Student Affairs - https://undergraduate.eng.uci.edu/students/
Campus Resources - https://undergraduate.eng.uci.edu/students/resources/
Stacey Nicholas Office of Access & Inclusion - https://oai.tech.uci.edu/

Resources for STEM undergraduate students


Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)


U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Defense (DOD) Opportunities

DOE Scholars Program - https://orise.orau.gov/doescholars/
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) - https://science.osti.gov/wdts/suli
DOD SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program for undergradate, master's, and doctoral students - https://dodstem.us/participate/smart/
Oak Ridge Institue for Science and Education (ORISE) - https://orise.orau.gov/
Example: Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program - https://orise.orau.gov/mlef/
U.S. Department of Energy’s 17 National Laboratories - https://nationallabs.org/
Army HBCU/MI SPARK Student Program for Army Research and Knowledge - https://armyspark.com/

U.S. Federal Government Jobs


Other Fellowships and Opportunities

Brooke Owens Fellowship - http://www.brookeowensfellowship.org/